
We all love secrets. Without them, our lives would be dull. A student wrote a secure secret store, however he was babbling about problems with the database. Maybe I shouldn’t use the ‘admin’ account.


My friend really can’t remember passwords. So he uses some kind of obfuscation. Can you restore the plaintext?


Hi, my name is Ruby. I like converting characters into ascii values and then calculating the sum.


Regular expressions are pretty useful. Especially when you need to search and replace complex terms.


Someone sent me a file with white and black rectangles. I don’t know how to read it. Can you help me?


We all know that prime numbers are quite important in cryptography. Can you help me to find some?


People either love or hate math. Do you love it? Prove it! You just need to solve a bunch of equations without a mistake.


Web applications becomes more and more important for private persons and for businisses, so naturally they become more and more attractive as another attack surface.


Some might wonder who I am, does it really matter? I could be your neighbor, your kids’ friend, or your friends’ friend or boyfriend or girlfriend, or I could be your son or daughter.

That being said, the reason why I’m here is to share my knowledge in the field of breaking security defenses.

It will contain write ups from ctf’s, wargames, etc, and disclosures when I have some.

I guess that’s it for the introduction.

- rektsec